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Wednesday 23 April 2014

Velvet Pillows

buy up cheap velvet dresses from charity shops + re-use fabric

use curtain tassel for the corners

Sunday 20 April 2014


me, jared, alfie, nick, kit + simon = 5 bed house 6 people

= max £440 pcm for 5 people = £2200 pcm / 6 people = £366.66 pcm each = £91.66 pw

looking south london = deposit average of £2200 each 

:( :( :(

loving out of current house around the 5th of august 
move in around the 1st september

me, jared, alfie, simon, kit = 4 bed house 5 people

= max £440 pcm for 4 = £1760 pcm /5 people = £352 pcm each = £88 pw

Sorting out the impossible

Notes on next step:

May earnings : max £364

June earnings : max £672

28th april +student finance =£+500

minus 120 for water + 160 for simon = 220

100 living for may = 25 per week = £+120  = £14 per week student bus pass = £11 food

£+120 + £364 from may = £+484

£100 living for june = £25 per week = £+384 = £14 per week student bus pass - £11 for food

£+384 + £672 from June = £+1056

PLAN FOR JULY = work as many days as possible hopefully 25 out of 30 days = minimum 6 hour shifts =

6*25 = 150 hours = 150 hours * £7.00 = £1050

£100 living for July = £25 per week = FIGURE OUT NEW TRANSPORT AS STUDENT OYSTER RUNS OUT = £+ 950

£+950 + £1050 = £+2000 


Monday 14 April 2014


I photographed my friend and housemate Alfie with some of my table confetti - I think the image is quite sweet but I wish I had even the tiniest bit of knowledge about cameras :( 

Wednesday 2 April 2014


I wish I was a robot - photo series/ short film

Head in plastic drawer
cutting arm hairs off with tiny scissors

Tuesday 1 April 2014


My cat Hogribs in the garden, she thinks she's too cool for me...